Friday, March 13, 2009

HSPN Finals and 3 point

 The day started off with the coaches participating in a three point shooting contest. Coach Barry and Coach John both gave it their best...but neither qualified for the finals. Coach John was just happy that he didn't embarass himself! Coach Barry missed qualifying by one bucket! close.

 Liz Catoe finished 3rd in the 15U division! She hit 8 3's in sixty seconds. Great Job Liz!
 After the contest, the Warriors headed to Golden Corral for a great meal. We took up the back banquet room and loaded up for the game later in the day. The girls all enjoyed themselves. The Warrior's final game was at 4:00pm. The Lady Warriors took on the Front Royal Flames for third place in Division 2a. Emily Pritt and Krista Duke were both out sick. The starting line up for the Warriors was: Rebecca, Mary, Sarah, Liz, and Charity.
 This was Mary's last game as a Frederick Warrior. It was a great tribute as the girls determined to "win it for Mary!" And they did! The Warriors pulled out a great win against the Front Royal Flames with the score: 40-31.
 Rebecca and Charity both had 3 steals. Mary nabbed 2 in just the first half. Liz led in assists with 4. Maggie, Charity and Sarah dominated on the boards pulling in 21 rebounds combined. All the girls contributed to the win! It was a great way to head home from the tournament.
 After the game, both teams joined hands and Coach Barry prayed a prayer of thanks for a wonderful tournament and for the blessing of God's protection over the girls. It was a fitting way to end the game.

 The Warriors were presented with their trophy in the Vines Arena! Mary accepted the trophy for the team. Way to Go Warriors!
This was such a fun week. The girls had so much fun and they all worked so hard. Thanks to everyone who helped the Warriors get here and experience such a great time together.

HSPN SemiFinals

 The Warriors took on the Richmond Spirit for the second time in Lynchburg. This time the two teams met in the semi finals. The winner would advance to the finals and get the opportunity to play in the Vines Arena.
 The game was physical and the refs let the girls play. Our girls had to wear pennies as they were the home team and the other team hadn't brought their white tops and the Warriors only have one uniform. It got interesting as fouls were called because the refs had to ask our girls to lift their pennies so they could report the foul to the scorers table. Sarah led the team in assists with 3. Rebecca had 12 rebounds for the night. On one of her shot attempts she got hit and went down hard. She was face down on the floor for what seemed like an eternity.
 While she was down and the coaches were checking on her...our girls gathered around and began praying. What a testimony to their hearts and their focus.
 We ended the game with the final score Spirit 43 and the Warriors 34. The girls won't be playing in the Arena this year. Even though they lost on the hardwood, they won in so many other ways. Their character shone throughout the night. They fought through fevers, bruises, bumps, comments and fears and they reflected Christ through it all.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

HSPN day 2

 For the third pool play game, The Warriors took on The Blaze from Binghamton. They played this afternoon at 3:30. Unfortunately, the Warriors lost the game to the Blaze. The girls stayed with the Blaze throughout the entire game. There were several times when the Blaze would pull ahead, but the Lady Warriors always managed to get back in the game. They never took the lead though.
 The final score was 43-36. The Warriors struggled against their point guard who had one arm. She was a phenomenal player and our girls really didn't quite know how to guard her. There were some positive notes during this game. The girls really rallied around each other and brought encouragement to one another.
 Sarah and Maggie both scored their first points in the tournament. Emily Pritt who had had a fever earlier in the day played considerable minutes in the game. What a praise that was! She even had 3 rebounds. Emily is feeling so much wouldn't even know she'd be down earlier today.
 Sarah led the team with 3 assists. Rebecca led in rebounds with 13. As the Warriors went into the game, we knew that the outcome would determine which division they were placed into. We felt like whether they won or lost...they'd be in the division for which they were most suited. In this tournament, all teams play 3 games and based on their wins, losses, and points differential, they are then placed in a division. Four teams are put into every division...and a semi final match is played. Each team that wins their semi final will play for their division's title in the Vines Arena on Friday. Because of their record the Warriors have been placed in Division 2a. They are the top seed in that division and they take on the fourth seed (The Richmond Spirit, who we beat yesterday) tonight at 8:00pm. Yesterday, Coach Barry took the girls to the Vines Arena just so they could see the possibility of where they could play if they won our semi final bracket game. He was hoping to inspire them to greatness.
Tonight they play for that position. If you're reading this prior to 8pm on Thursday, please pray for the girls on the Warriors to play with confidence and endurance. Pray that they will play to their very best ability and that in all they do, they'll bring glory to God. Also, continue to pray protection and good health for them. Thanks so much!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

HSPN Day 1

 The Warriors hit the road late Tuesday night on their way to Lynchburg, Virginia to participate in the HSPN basketball tournament. After a long ride, everyone got a good night sleep Tuesday night in anticipation of some great basketball on Wednesday. Thanks to a free continental breakfast, the girls were ready in plenty of time before tip off on Wednesday. The team gathered and all the adults circled around the girls and prayed protection and blessing on them.
 A fun game of spoons took up some free time before they headed over to the LaHaye Center for the first game of the day. The Warriors drew the Lighthouse Christian Eagles for round one of the pool play. At halftime, the Lady Warriors were down by nine points.
 By the middle of the fourth quarter they had pulled to within one point of the Eagles. Liz and Krista both had 3 steals. Rebecca pulled in 11 rebounds and Emily Pritt had 5.
 The girls, once again, reached down deep and overcame the deficit. Unfortunately, due to some late game fouls, the Eagles went to the charity stripe and added to their total to take the win. All the Warriors saw playing time in the first round. The final score was Warriors 28, Lighthouse 34.
 After the game, we headed over to the Three Point Shooting competition and had lunch while we awaited our turn to shoot. Shooting in the contest for the Warriors were: Liz, Sarah, Ashley, Rebecca and Charity. Liz made it on the the final round...she qualified with 9 3 points in one minute!
 The second game of the day was against the Richmond Spirit. The Warriors played with more confidence and they worked well passing the ball and protecting it.
 Rebecca and Charity both had 9 rebounds. Liz had 8 steals against the Spirit. She led the team in assists as well with 3. Once again, all the girls got playing time and it was a genuine team effort as the Warriors defeated the Spirit 51-41.
 After the game, Mary Barrows, treated the team to ice cream at Cold Stone as her senior gift! The girls all loved it! Thanks Mary! Congratulations to the Warriors on a day well played!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Round one
Frederick Warriors vs. Arlington Baptist

Round Two
Harford Christian School vs. Frederick Warriors