Friday, March 13, 2009

HSPN Finals and 3 point

 The day started off with the coaches participating in a three point shooting contest. Coach Barry and Coach John both gave it their best...but neither qualified for the finals. Coach John was just happy that he didn't embarass himself! Coach Barry missed qualifying by one bucket! close.

 Liz Catoe finished 3rd in the 15U division! She hit 8 3's in sixty seconds. Great Job Liz!
 After the contest, the Warriors headed to Golden Corral for a great meal. We took up the back banquet room and loaded up for the game later in the day. The girls all enjoyed themselves. The Warrior's final game was at 4:00pm. The Lady Warriors took on the Front Royal Flames for third place in Division 2a. Emily Pritt and Krista Duke were both out sick. The starting line up for the Warriors was: Rebecca, Mary, Sarah, Liz, and Charity.
 This was Mary's last game as a Frederick Warrior. It was a great tribute as the girls determined to "win it for Mary!" And they did! The Warriors pulled out a great win against the Front Royal Flames with the score: 40-31.
 Rebecca and Charity both had 3 steals. Mary nabbed 2 in just the first half. Liz led in assists with 4. Maggie, Charity and Sarah dominated on the boards pulling in 21 rebounds combined. All the girls contributed to the win! It was a great way to head home from the tournament.
 After the game, both teams joined hands and Coach Barry prayed a prayer of thanks for a wonderful tournament and for the blessing of God's protection over the girls. It was a fitting way to end the game.

 The Warriors were presented with their trophy in the Vines Arena! Mary accepted the trophy for the team. Way to Go Warriors!
This was such a fun week. The girls had so much fun and they all worked so hard. Thanks to everyone who helped the Warriors get here and experience such a great time together.

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