Sunday, March 6, 2011

NCSAA Tournament: Day 3

Saturday morning the boys had an early game time, having a tip-off at 9am. This game was for 3rd place in division 4D. It was early, but the boys played like they had been awake for a while getting ready for this game. The game was close from the opening buzzer to the final buzzer; and physical too, with the referees letting the boys play. At the end of the first quarter the Warriors were up 17-12. The second quarter still had the crowd on the edge of their seat with the Warriors leading 29-20 at half.
In the second half the boys did not disappoint. But the third quarter the game was in reach for either team and it was not clear who would win. The Warrior boys however wanted the game more. In the fourth quarter Daniel Passarelli made a game changing three-pointer, after sitting out the end of the 3rd quarter as a result of having taken a very hard charge agaisnt Community Prep's star player (#12) giving him his fourth foul. Daniel then stole the ball from #12 with the score of 49-48 and the clock reading 1.8 seconds, securing the win and causing the crowd to leave the seats!
Daniel Passarelli led the team with 16 points, 5 rebounds, 2 assists, and a steal. Chris Leao was right behind him with a double-double of 12 points, 16 rebounds, and an assist. John Koffman was next with 10 points, 4 rebounds, 6 assists, and 3 steals. Josiah Carstens had 9 points, 3 assists, 2 steals, and a board. Toby McGrath chipped in a bucket and 11 rebounds. It was a great game held by all the boys; they played as a team with not one boy playing selfish ball, and they were all excited to come in 3rd place in their division. Way to make us proud guys!
After the game everyone headed back to dorms to shower and eat lunch. As the food wasn't provided by the tournament anymore, everyone ordered out. The guys got Chipolte and the girls Chick-Fil-A. Everyone knew this would be their last meal at the tournament, as snow was expected Saturday night so everyone was headed home after the girls' game at 3pm.
The girls played their last game of the tournament Saturday afternoon at 3pm. Before the game four of the Warrior ladies were sent to the trainer at the tournament to get their injuries from previous games taken care of. The ladies from the start of the game were looking good, taking the lead and running a strong press defense. In the second quarter though the Warriors lost the lead, the score being 16-12 at the end of the half. The girls were clearly tired and, instead of practicing during halftime, many of them rested on the bench. The ladies came out in the second half playing tired and weak basketball. Ashley Kelly took a hard fall to her elbow which left her sitting the rest of the game and Emily Passarelli didn't feel well. The ladies struggled through the entire second half and lost 46-24.
Abby Messinger led the team with 8 points, 12 rebounds, and a steal. Amanda Stewart also had 8 points, 6 rebounds, 2 assists, and a steal. Emily Passarelli was next with 3 points, 12 rebounds, and a block. Gabrielle Freese had 2 points, 9 rebounds, and a steal. Ashley Kelly contributed a basket, 2 boards, 3 steals, and an assist. Emma Matthews chipped in 7 rebounds and 3 assists. The girls along with Coach O. were very disappointed, and there were many tears at this was the game the girls had a good chance at winning. Our girls lost gracefully though, congratulating the other team and praying over the other team's seniors at the closing ceremony. Although exhausted and sad, one man's dream came true Saturday afternoon, that man being Coach O. During the third quarter Emma's hair tie broke and she played "floppy" for a good couple minutes. :)
After the game the girls showered and headed downstairs to meet the guys team to get ready to pack the vans and head home. It was a great Tournament, even if there were losses. Everyone couldn't be prouder of the guys and girls teams. Great job Warriors!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

NCSAA Tournament: Day 2

After breakfast Friday morning, both teams chilled until the girls game at 10:30am. The girls took on Erie First Christian Academy (EFCA) from Erie, PA, next. They had a bet going - if they won they could each paint one of coach's nails and if they lost they had to play "floppy" as coach called it, meaning they had to play without hair ties. The girls were looking forward to painting coach's nails, but that wouldn't happen.
Erie First was fast to score the first couple baskets and by the end of the first quarter the Warriors had 0 to Erie First's 13 points. The Warriors made a comeback, however, and outscored EFCA 11-5 in the 2nd quarter, putting the score to 18-11. In the second half, though, the Warriors got into foul trouble and played some rough basketball with the referees letting a lot go. The game ended with the girls disappointed and the score 43-28. It was another loss for the girls and this was also the last game with Coach Matthews as he had a business trip to Los Angeles the next day.
Ashley Kelly led the team with 12 points (being 6 for 6 on the line), 3 rebounds, 2 steals, and an assist. Emily Passarelli came next with 6 points, 10 rebounds, 4 steals, and 2 blocks. Abby Messinger scored 5 points, pulled down 8 rebounds, had 1 steal, and 1 assist. Emma Matthews had 3 points and boards. Katey Althoff scored her first 2-point basket of the season (which left the whole team cheering and jumping on her...leaving them distracted while the other team scored yet again...) and had 2 steals. Amanda Stewart had 2 rebounds, 3 assists, 3 steals, and 3 blocks. Gabrielle Freese pulled down 6 boards and 1 assist.  The girls wanted to win for Coach Matthews and though disappointed they did not win, they knew that by losing they would play a team they had a better chance of beating the next day.
The Warriors drove in the rain to play Girard Alliance Christian School from Girard, PA. The previous night they had watched this team play and thought they had a good chance at beating the team. The first half of the game was close and our boys played good, hard basketball trailing Girard Alliance 30-19. In the second half the boys were trailing but fought hard and mounted a comeback. Girard Alliance knew if things stayed the course our boys would win. Therefore, their coach called a time out and from late in the third quarter to the final buzzer they held the ball, passing it back and forth just inside the halfcourt line. This was frustrating and cost the Warriors the game leaving the score 50-43.
Daniel Passarelli led the team with 15 points, hitting 5 three-pointers throughout the game. John Koffman came next with 11 points, 3 assists, 2 rebounds, and 2 steals. Josiah Carstens also scored 11 points. Chris Leao had 4 points, 6 rebounds, and a block. Joel Kehr scored a basket with a rebound. Toby McGrath pulled down 8 rebounds with a steal. Alex Leao pitched in 4 rebounds. Though disappointed with the loss, the Warriors looked forward to their third and final game of the Tournament on Saturday.
After the game everyone headed back to the cafeteria and met for dinner and a team devotion before leaving for the Point Guard Skills and Three-Point Shooting Contests that night. During dinner Coach O. announced to the girls that Ashley Kelly would be in the three-point shooting competition and Emma Matthews would be in the point guard skills competition, and Coach Ron announced to the guys that Daniel Passarelli would be in the three-point shooting competition and John Koffman would be in the point guard skills competition.
John and Emma were the first to compete, and were a little nervous as they were two of the youngest competitors there! While being timed they had to make 2-layups, speed dribble, dribble through cones, pass, make a foul shot, dribble 5 figure eights, dribble backward and behind their backs, and run while circling the ball around themselves. They both did great, but neither made it to the final two.
Ashley and Daniel (he also being one of the youngest competing) were up next, they had to shoot as many three-pointers as they could in one minute, taking five shots from five different locations on the court. Ashley made 4 three-pointers, putting her in 3rd place out of 14 in the competition and Daniel hit 11 three-pointers putting him 4th out of 37. They all tried their best and made the Warriors proud, great job guys!
After the competitions everyone went back to the dorms and ordered some late night pizza. The restaurant was so busy, however, that it took at least an hour for it to be delivered! While waiting for pizza, the ladies headed to the cafeteria to play spoons, but they weren't alone, there were so many people in the cafeteria getting food you would have thought it was a mealtime! Nethertheless, when the pizza did arrive, the were many other kids jealous for it. :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

NCSAA Tournament: Day 1

Wednesday afternoon the varsity girls and guys met in Frederick to head north to Erie, Pennsylvania, for the National Christian School Athletic Association (NCSAA) Tournament. After praying together and loading up vans and cars the Warriors were off. After a good six hour car ride, which left the players a little crazed and the coaches and chaperones a lot exhausted, the Warriors were in Erie. They arrived early evening, and found many surprises waiting for them.
The teams were separated into boys' and girls' wings and each wing had both men's and ladies bathrooms so players were a little confused about being able to use both bathrooms. :) The dorm rooms were cinderblock with three sets of not-so-secure bunkbeds in each room, and the food was not as yummy as everyone was used to. Needless to say, all the Warriors went to bed not knowing what else to expect, and were very excited and anxious to find out what else was to come.
Thursday morning both teams came down after a wonderful nights sleep (*winkwink*) and ate breakfast followed by a devotion. After that the ladies headed over the the gym to watch the game of the team they would be playing on Friday and the guys headed over to the golf dome or "bubble" as many call it. :) Both teams then met for lunch and a team devotion before getting ready to head over to the guys game at 3pm.
The varsity guys took the court at 3pm to take on the Grand River Academy Eagles from Austinburg, Ohio. The game started out pretty even, both teams scoring 10 points in the first quarter. In the second quarter, though, the Eagles picked up their game and pulled out a 19-14 lead at halftime. The third quarter was just as intense; everyone making good passes and great shots. The score was tied at 24 to start the fourth quarter. The final quarter was low scoring, both teams executing great defense. But the Warriors wanted to game more, pulling out a 33-32 win.
Chris Leao led the team with 13 points and 6 rebounds. Daniel Passarelli was right behind him with 12 points, 6 rebounds, 2 steals, and an assist. Josiah Carstens had 6 points, 4 assists, and a steal. John Koffman scored a basket, pulled down 4 rebounds, dished out 6 assists, and had 1 steal and block. Toby McGrath pulled down 10 rebounds, 2 assists, and a block. It was a great win; and the Warriors portrayed a Godly character the entire game. Great job guys!
At 6pm the Ladies were set to play the top seed of the tournament, Atlantic Christian School (ACS) from Egg Harbor Township, NJ. They didn't know it then, but Atlantic Christian would go on to win the entire tournament! Missing teamate Priya Stepp, and with two girls on the other team over 6 feet tall, and the rest of the team juniors and seniors, all our girls could do was try to have fun.
ACS pressed our girls the entire first quarter, then on and off until the third. They had our ladies 42-4 at the half. By the 2nd quarter their coach had pulled their starters, but as the second half started so did their starting team. Our girls gave it their best but ACS was aggresive and let nothing slide. The game ended wit the score 57-10. Although it was a horrible mismatch, our girls never gave up, and had a smile on their faces, and tried their very hardest. As they left the court the ladies were happy to say they got to double-digits and didn't lose by 50 points.
After the girls game, both Warrior teams headed across the street to watch a guys game, where the winning team would be the boys opponent on Friday. After the game everyone headed over to Coldstone to get icecream, then back to the dorms for sleep.