Sunday, March 6, 2011

NCSAA Tournament: Day 3

Saturday morning the boys had an early game time, having a tip-off at 9am. This game was for 3rd place in division 4D. It was early, but the boys played like they had been awake for a while getting ready for this game. The game was close from the opening buzzer to the final buzzer; and physical too, with the referees letting the boys play. At the end of the first quarter the Warriors were up 17-12. The second quarter still had the crowd on the edge of their seat with the Warriors leading 29-20 at half.
In the second half the boys did not disappoint. But the third quarter the game was in reach for either team and it was not clear who would win. The Warrior boys however wanted the game more. In the fourth quarter Daniel Passarelli made a game changing three-pointer, after sitting out the end of the 3rd quarter as a result of having taken a very hard charge agaisnt Community Prep's star player (#12) giving him his fourth foul. Daniel then stole the ball from #12 with the score of 49-48 and the clock reading 1.8 seconds, securing the win and causing the crowd to leave the seats!
Daniel Passarelli led the team with 16 points, 5 rebounds, 2 assists, and a steal. Chris Leao was right behind him with a double-double of 12 points, 16 rebounds, and an assist. John Koffman was next with 10 points, 4 rebounds, 6 assists, and 3 steals. Josiah Carstens had 9 points, 3 assists, 2 steals, and a board. Toby McGrath chipped in a bucket and 11 rebounds. It was a great game held by all the boys; they played as a team with not one boy playing selfish ball, and they were all excited to come in 3rd place in their division. Way to make us proud guys!
After the game everyone headed back to dorms to shower and eat lunch. As the food wasn't provided by the tournament anymore, everyone ordered out. The guys got Chipolte and the girls Chick-Fil-A. Everyone knew this would be their last meal at the tournament, as snow was expected Saturday night so everyone was headed home after the girls' game at 3pm.
The girls played their last game of the tournament Saturday afternoon at 3pm. Before the game four of the Warrior ladies were sent to the trainer at the tournament to get their injuries from previous games taken care of. The ladies from the start of the game were looking good, taking the lead and running a strong press defense. In the second quarter though the Warriors lost the lead, the score being 16-12 at the end of the half. The girls were clearly tired and, instead of practicing during halftime, many of them rested on the bench. The ladies came out in the second half playing tired and weak basketball. Ashley Kelly took a hard fall to her elbow which left her sitting the rest of the game and Emily Passarelli didn't feel well. The ladies struggled through the entire second half and lost 46-24.
Abby Messinger led the team with 8 points, 12 rebounds, and a steal. Amanda Stewart also had 8 points, 6 rebounds, 2 assists, and a steal. Emily Passarelli was next with 3 points, 12 rebounds, and a block. Gabrielle Freese had 2 points, 9 rebounds, and a steal. Ashley Kelly contributed a basket, 2 boards, 3 steals, and an assist. Emma Matthews chipped in 7 rebounds and 3 assists. The girls along with Coach O. were very disappointed, and there were many tears at this was the game the girls had a good chance at winning. Our girls lost gracefully though, congratulating the other team and praying over the other team's seniors at the closing ceremony. Although exhausted and sad, one man's dream came true Saturday afternoon, that man being Coach O. During the third quarter Emma's hair tie broke and she played "floppy" for a good couple minutes. :)
After the game the girls showered and headed downstairs to meet the guys team to get ready to pack the vans and head home. It was a great Tournament, even if there were losses. Everyone couldn't be prouder of the guys and girls teams. Great job Warriors!

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