Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mountain View

When you travel over an hour to get to a game it sure is nice to come home with three wins. That's what happened on Monday night. All three Warrior teams played the Conquerors of Mt. View Christian Academy in Winchester, VA. All three Warrior teams won!

The middle school girls played first and it was a nail-biter! Both teams went into the locker room at halftime with the Warriors having a sizable lead. But in the middle of the third quarter, the Warriors found the Conquerors creeping back into the game.

For several minutes it was neck and neck. Emily Matthews and Joanna Hughes made game changing plays with their scrappy defense. As a whole the Warriors had 26 steals for the night. 9 of those steals belonged to Emily Matthews. Jackie 'nabster' Lamont had 6 steals for the night! Kathryn Romanchuk and Emily Passarelli owned the board with rebounds. They each had 10 rebounds for the night.

Maggie Quick fouled out in the fourth quarter and Gabrielle Freese did an excellent job securing the #4 position. She had 8 rebounds for the night. Several timeouts were called late in the fourth quarter as the coaches drew up inbounds plays and looked for strategic ways to pull off a win. Tight defense and some last minute buckets allowed the Warriors to come out on top, 26-23. Coach Quick has 5 new gray hairs added to his collection after Monday night's win. Good job girls!

With strict instructions to the boys to not allow the game to get as close as the first game, the middle school boys took to the court second.

Early fouls kept Chris Lamont on the bench for most of the first half and the boys found themselves trailing at the end of the 1st quarter 6-4. They picked up their play defensively in the 2nd quarter holding the Conquerors scoreless and went in to the locker room ahead 9-6. The game heated up in the 3rd quarter with Mountain View pulling ahead 18-15.

 But the 4th quarter saw the Warriors employ a Triangle and Two defense with Josiah Carstens and Daniel Passarelli blanketing the Conquerors leading scorer, who only managed one basket.

 Leading scorers were Chris Lamont with 12 points and Christopher Leao with 10.

 Other scorers included John Koffman and Daniel Passarelli each scoring 2 and Jacob Hughes scoring 1. The Warriors came away with a hard fought victory against Mountain View Christian Academy 27-22.

Starting an hour behind schedule, the Varsity girls took to the floor with determination. The girls frustrated the Conquerors on defense, jumping out to an 18-4 lead at the end of the 1st quarter. The Warriors shared the ball on offense with Sarah and Liz both having 5 assists. To further emphasize the teamwork, there were 8 different girls in the scoring column and 4 of those girls had 9 or more points.

They did an excellent job of seeing open teammates and feeding the ball to each other. Defensively, the Lady Warriors dominated their opponents on the boards with Rebecca Reifsnider grabbing 10 and Charity Poole and Sarah Reifsnider each pulling in 8 rebounds. Jessica Hughes and Mary Barrows pitched in with 4 rebounds apiece. Towards the end of the 4th quarter, the Conquerors knew they had been conquered and things began to get physical on the court.

Coach called a time out and told the girls that they were going to see a lot of "frustration fouls". The other team was losing badly and the girls were going to most likely take the brunt of it with cheap fouls. (which they did) He encouraged them to be ready and when they were fouled to just get back up and keep on playing. Coach Barry said, "Show them Christ...don't allow them to make you mad, don't react, just get back up and keep playing." There was no pushing back or nasty comments from our girls. They just set their faces like flint and walked it out! They won double last night. The varsity girls excelled in every aspect of the game and convincingly beat a solid Mountain View Christian Academy team 67-41.

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