Monday, January 9, 2012

Carlisle Christian Academy (VG)

For the Warrior ladies first game of the season, they took on the Carlisle Christian Academy Crusaders. From the very start of the game, the Crusaders played a 1-3-1 press, which the Warriors were successfully break from the start. Which proves practice really does help! :) Unfortunately, the Crusaders shot couldn't miss, and our ladies shot just wouldn't drop. That put the Crusaders up at halftime with the score of 28-12.
Going into the second half, the Warriors threw a box-in-one defense on the Crusaders, which proved very successful. It completely shut down their best player to only 3 points in the 2nd half, compared to her 13 points in the 1st half. During the entire fourth quarter, the Crusaders scored only a few points thanks to the Warrios tight defense. The Warriors scoring improved in the 2nd half, but wasn't enough to close the large gap created in the first half. The game ended with a Crusader win of 48-27. Each player played her best, but most importantly, every player got time on the court.

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