Sunday, February 3, 2013

Senior Spotlight:: Abby Messinger

Q. How long have you been playing for the Warriors?
This is only my second year, but it feels like much longer because my brothers have been involved for 4 years now.

Q. How did you get interested in basketball?I wanted another outlet to compete against my brothers... except, they usually win...

Q. How long have you been homeschooled?
Since second grade.

Q. What's your favorite thing about being homeschooled?I love being able to spend lots of time with my family, and bonding with them in ways that would be impossible if we all went to school every day. I also love the people that I’ve met through homeschooling—they’ve had such a profound influence on my life! It’s also great not having to get up earlier than 8:00am on any given day :D

Q. What do you like to do in your free time?Music, music, music! I love to sing and play guitar, piano, cello and ukulele... and anything else with strings :D I also love to read, and go shopping with my mom. And movies. I love movies.

Q. Where's your favorite place to eat out?Eat out? Psh... I’m homeschooled. I stay locked in a closet all day. But on the rare occasions when I can escape, I like Chipotle, Five Guys and any ice-cream place (Cold Stone, Rita’s.... mmm).

Q. What's your favorite movie?
Oh, how I detest that question. If I HAD to pick my very favorite, Band of Brothers. I like war movies: Saving Private Ryan, Defiance, Braveheart, Black Hawk Down, Pearl Harbor, etc. Also scary (but not horror) movies: The Village, Signs, Wait Until Dark. Also movies like Pride and Prejudice/Sense and Sensibility. Oh, and of course Lord of the Rings. Oh and Les Miserables (the new one)!!! Ok, ok I’ll quit now :D You get the picture.

Q. What are your plans after highschool graduation?
I plan to take a gap year before attending college in 2014. During this upcoming year I will be (God willing) getting some of my own music professionally recorded, spending a 2-month term at L’Abri in Minnesota (an apologetics institute founded by Francis Schaeffer) and getting some more experience with long-term missions by spending 5-6 months overseas. I am praying that through these experiences God will direct me in a specific direction so that I can better discern what He wants me to do with my future, and what to study in college to best prepare me for that future. :)

Q. What's your favorite musical artist/group?
Tenth Avenue North, for their lyrics. I also like Skillet, Owl City, and lots of random songs that I don’t know the artists of. I like most classical music, as well, and even some of the Oldies. :D I was just introduced to ThePianoGuys on youtube, and I really love most of their arrangements, too.

Q. What game are you most looking forward to this season with the Warriors?Senior night! :D

Q. What's your favorite memory on the Warriors?
Probably the Erie tournament 2 years ago. I had so much fun and laughed so much!

Q. What's your favorite scripture verse?
At the moment, Habakkuk 3:17-19.
“Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines,
The produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food,
The flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls,
Yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
GOD, the LORD, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on my high places.”

This little passage is so profound to me because it demonstrates how even when everything goes wrong, we need not worry—in fact we can be filled with joy, because our God has saved us and given us strength. He carries us off to a safe place. I love the nuggets of gold in the minor prophets! :D

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