Saturday, February 2, 2013

Senior Spotlight:: Gabrielle Freese

Q. How long have you been playing for the Warriors? An amazing five years!

Q. How did you get interested in basketball?
My friends told me I should participate in the Warriors clinic, and I fell in love with basketball!

Q. How long have you been homeschooled?
Allll my life! When I tell public school kids that, I normally get a strange look from them:)

Q. What's your favorite thing about being homeschooled?
Hmmm... Probably the freedom it provides! I can explore what I'm interested in, do schoolwork at my own pace, and be able to take off and hang with friends or travel to see family in NC pretty much whenever!:) (Although that comes with the risk of... Summer school:( haha)

Q. What do you like to do in your free time?
Hahaha can i ask what's free time?? Just kidding:). When I get the chance I love just hanging out with friends, reading, watching movies, "playing" the piano and guitar, Anddd... I guess I'll let you know that I enjoy practicing archery and rifle during warmer months:)

Q. Where's your favorite place to eat out?
Well, we don't eat out often, but I absolutely adore Chinese food:) Spicy Mai Fun, and Shacha beef are theee best!

Q. What's your favorite movie?
It's gotta be The Last Samurai. Such an amazing movie, even though I cry every time! And as a more light-hearted movie... Hmm... Pride and Prejudice (the new one) always makes me smile:)

Q. What are your plans after highschool graduation?
College here I come!!:) I hope to be accepted to The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA, or Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, PA. I'm thinking and praying about whether to declare a major in neuroscience or neuropharmocology. I know... I'm crazyyy! Haha:)

Q. What's your favorite musical artist/group?
Ohh a very tough question... I've always said music is what makes the world go 'round!:) Do i have to pick just one?? haha:) Bekah Shae, Hillsong, Kari Jobe, a bunch of Christian rappers, and so many more artists. Andd... I've really come to like country music, so Josh Turner, Keith Urban, The Zac Brown Band and many other country singers are played regularly.:)
Oh, and I can't forget Ludwig van Beethoven to represent the classics!!:)
Q. What game are you most looking forward to this season with the Warriors?
Can I hear an "Erieeee"?!?!?!?!?!!! Haha:). For just a single game, though... Senior night:)

Q. What's your favorite memory on the Warriors?
It has got to be some from Erie! Oh. My. Goodness. Some pretty funny, unforgettable things have happened there!!:) Ok, I'm laughing right now just thinking about it!

Q. What's your favorite scripture verse?
I love love love Proverbs 3:5-6. It's a short verse, but it is so powerful. Whenever I have decisions to make or am going through something, it reminds me to simply trust God... He will always have a perfect plan for my life.

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