Tuesday, March 16, 2010

HSPN 2010

 Tuesday's drive to Liberty was filled with plenty of expectation.  The girl's arrived and headed to dinner Tuesday evening before the qualifying round of the three point shooting contest.

 Sarah Reifsnider and Liz Catoe competed in the 15 and under division.  Rebecca Reifsnider and Charity Poole were in the 19 and under division. 

The girls had some time to warm up and then each participant got 1 minute to shoot as many threes as they could.  The top two qualifiers in each division then move on to compete in the finals on Friday morning.  Each of our girls did amazingly well.  They worked against time dropping threes as the clock ticked.  At the end of the competition Rebecca Reifsnider had made it to the final round.  We're so proud of her!  Great job to all our girls! 

 Afterwards, we headed back to the hotel to celebrate Coach Barry's 50th birthday.  There was cake and lots of whispering as we were in the lobby of the hotel and it was after 11pm.  The girl's then headed off to their rooms for some 'sleep'.  It was a great first day here in Lynchburg!

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