Friday, December 3, 2010

New Life Christian School Shoot-Out Tournament vs. New Life Christian School (VB)

The Warriors were in the New Life Christian School Holiday Shoot Out Tournament and found themselves facing the New Life Rams. A height difference was obvious. New Life had 4 starters over 6 feet with three of them being 6’5”. The Warriors started out slow, seeming a little intimidated to shoot against the taller defenders.
As time went on though, the intimidation left. The boys warmed up to shooting and had several good looks at the basket. But the tight defense and strong offence by the Rams found the Warriors still trailing by halftime.
The Warriors came out stronger in the 2nd half. The Warriors had a great night in outside shooting. Daniel Passarelli hit seven 3-pointers! John Koffman, Josiah Carstens, and Jason Kehr all also contributed to the 3-point scoring. Daniel led the team with 25 points, with John following with 11, and Toby McGrath and Chris Leao each with 6. Toby and Chris led the team with 5 rebounds each, with Jonathan Pefley, Alex Leao, and Daniel all had 2. John led the team with 8 assists, Josiah behind him dishing out 4. John also led the team with 3 steals. Chris led the team with 2 blocks.
The Warriors didn’t end up on top for scoring, but they hustled and never gave up. Everyone contributed greatly to the game. Great job Warriors!

1 comment:

  1. Guys I think we did a really good job against them even though we didn't win

    Daniel P.
