Monday, December 20, 2010

Fairfax (MSB)

The Warriors’ next opponent were the Fairfax Kings. With Coach Phil being sick, his daughter, Kimberly, filled in for him. Bad traffic made many of the boys late, and the Warriors had a slow start and small bench.
Like many teams the boys had faced, the Kings were much bigger and more experienced. By the end of the 1st quarter, our boys were scoreless.
But they slowly picked up their game and had 4 points by halftime. The boys made some good passes and had some good looks to the basket, but their shots just wouldn’t fall consistently. But they kept trying and had 10 points at the end of the 3rd quarter. The final score was 50-12.
Everyone contributed to the game. Benjamin Passarelli led the team with 5 points. Noah Passarelli (3), Al Pedroza (2), and Daniel Messinger (2) also contributed to the score.
It was a tough game but the boys never gave less than their hardest. Good job boys!

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