Thursday, December 2, 2010

Carlisle Christian School (VG)

Thursday night, third game of the week, the Lady Warriors took on The Carlisle Christian Academy Knights. After a delayed start the girls tipped off to a taller, stronger, more well-rested, and more experienced team.

The first quarter was promising with many steals, fast breaks, and looks inside by the Warriors. With the referees calling a tight game, however, it wasn’t long before the girls got in foul trouble. By halftime the Warriors were trailing 19-16.
The ladies pulled together and took the court after halftime playing great ball, but soon ran into a relentless press by the Knights. Having had no time to practice against a press, the Warriors were definitely being challenged.
In the fourth quarter with the girls still trailing Coach Ortner called his last time out and told the girls to play relentless, man-to-man, full court defense. Our girls, although exhausted, followed Coach’s directive and played some of the best defense they have played all season, shutting Carlisle down.  
Gabrielle Freese pulled down 10 rebounds with Emily Passarelli (7) right behind.  Emma Matthews led the team in scoring with 9 points, Gabrielle and Emily both had 4 points, Ashley Kelly had 3, and Abby Messinger and Amanda Stewart both had 2 points for the night. Emma also led the team with 6 steals and Emily led the team in blocks for the night, having 3.
It was another hard loss for the Warriors, but the girls left knowing they had a full week of practice coming up so they would be better prepared for the next game J

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