Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fairfax - MSB

Fairfax Kings Dec. 3, 2009

The Middle School Boys team found their place on one of the courts, which were busy with action! The game started off with back and forth between the teams and ended the first quarter with a score of 9 – 8 Warriors. Things remained tight and at the half, the Warriors led 17 – 16. The Warriors made defensive adjustments and played hard with 6 defensive rebounds by both Caleb Abel and Chris Lamont. Caleb fought hard with 5 steals for the game. The pressure didn’t let up as both teams played high energy games. The Warriors had few substitutions. It was a tough night at the free throw line with no points gained. At the end of the third quarter the Warriors maintained the slim lead 22 – 19. The fourth quarter found the Warriors struggling, the Kings taking the lead. All of the Warrior points were made by 3 players; Lamont with 12, Koffman with 8 and D. Passarelli with 5. The Warriors held strong but in the end lost 25 – 27. The team showed composure and seemed to even enjoy the competitiveness of the game. ( Speaking for the fans – we were exhausted! )

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