Thursday, February 23, 2012

Highland View Christian Academy (VG)

The Warrior ladies had a surprise, last minute game against the Highland View Christian Academy Tartans. From last years experience with the Tartans, the Warriors came expecting a very tall, large, physical team. Other than one big girl and the physical play expected, the Warriors were pleasantly surprised and ended up having one of the best games so far for the season! Despite a very rough first quarter (the score being 12-0 in the Tartans favor), the Warriors dug deep and played excellent the remainder of the game. Lydia Flynn made not only the Warriors first basket for the night, but also her first personal varsity basket early in the 2nd quarter! That got the girls going, with Ana Flynn also having an amazing night as she hit several three-pointers! The Warriors shocked the Tartans, because they had closed the gap at half time to just one basket at the end of the third quarter. During the fourth quarter, the Warriors played to win, fighting for every loose ball and bringing down the rebounds (Gabrielle and Emily had 47 rebounds combine for the night!) With Amanda hitting an amazing three just in time, the Warriors headed into overtime. With the score being so close, overtime held many fouls. The Warriors and Tartans had a scoring match, both teams scoring back to back. Unfortunately, the Warriors ran out of time and lost the game by a basket, the final score being 34-32.

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