Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Leesburg Christian Academy (VG)

The varsity girls were ready for a good game against the Leesburg Christian Academy Lions, as it was their second time playing them for the season. In the pervious game, the Lions had played a 1-3-1 full court press which completely caught the Warriors off guard. With much practice since then, the girls were confident for some good competition. As the game started, the Lions brought out their one-three-one press right away, which the Warriors broke with ease. They played well, showing tight defense and setting up the offense. They led the entire first quarter, but unfortunately starting in the 2nd quarter things didn't go as smoothly as the latter quarter. The Warriors lost some strength in passes and rebounds, resulting in a game change to the Lion's favor. The Warriors never made up the lost points, and finished the game with the final score being 38-22. Though another loss, the ladies knew they had a practice coming up to review and strengthen them in their playing for the upcoming game against Carlisle Christian Academy on Friday.

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