Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Leesburg Christian Academy (VB)

The varsity boys closed out the night for the Leesburg Lion's as the middle school boys and varisty girls had played before them in the special Valentines Day night. The opposing team was big, but that didn't mean anything to the Warriors as they kept the score close and had the lead almost the entire second half. Numerous 3-pointers, great layups, and quick putbacks proved to the Lions that they would really have to shut down the inside to get a chance in winning. As the third quarter started, the guys were determined and ready to take the game and run with it, which is exactly what they did, putting their lead up to 14 at one point. In the last few minutes the Lions went on a scoring streak and put the score a little closer than expected, but still far enough for the Warriors to be safe. The boys made strong passes which led to open shots and excellent defense, securing a 50-35 win.
Daniel Passarelli led the team with 19 points, 6 rebounds, 2 steals, an assist, and a block. Joel Kehr followed him with 13 points, 2 rebounds, 1 assist, and a steal. Toby McGrath scored 6 points plus 9 rebounds and 4 blocks. Jonathan Pefley also scored 6 points along with 6 rebounds, 2 assists, and a block. Chris Leao had 3 points, 4 rebounds, an assist, steal, and block. Josiah Carstens had 3 points plus 2 rebounds, 8 assists, and a steal.

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