Friday, January 21, 2011

Carroll Christian School (MSB)

The Warriors traveled over to Carroll Christian School in Westminister to take on the Patriots. The teams proved to be a good match-up.
The boys came out strong, making strong passes and taking good shots. At the end of the 1st quarter the Warriors were up 7-4. The Warriors kept the intensity and great playing, and Noah Passarelli hit a buzzer-beater 3-pointer, putting the lead to 15-11 at half.
After halftime, the boys came out pumped and ready to win. The Patriots were just as pumped and it was a close quarter. The Warriors kept the lead though, and at the end of the 3rd quarter the score was 17-15.
Benjamin Passarelli hit a 3-pointer to start out the 4th quarter and was followed by his team, making 8 points in all for the quarter. But the Patriots hit just as many shots and took the lead in the last few minutes of the game. When the final buzzer went off, the Patriots won by 1 point, 26-25.
Benjamin Passarelli led the team with 13 points, followed by Noah Passarelli with 8 points, and Daniel Messinger and Brandon Stewart both with 2 points. Al Pedroza led the team with 7 rebounds, with Daniel (6), Noah (4), and Zach Althoff (2) following him. Noah led the team with 3 assists, with Daniel (2) right behind him. Daniel and Al led the team with a steal each. Benjamin led the team with a block.
It was a very tough loss, but the boys played their very hardest and portrayed Godly character through the entire game. The fans couldn’t have been any prouder of them. Great game boys!

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