Friday, January 28, 2011

Senior Spotlight: Alex Leao

Q. How long have you been playing on the Warriors?
This is my first season.

Q. How did you get interested in basketball?
From watching my brother play on the Warriors

Q. How long have you been home schooled?
7-8 years.

Q. What's your favorite thing about being home schooled?
Getting to supplement book work with fieldtrips and TV shows .

Q. What do you like to do in your free time?
Play Airsoft, XBOX 360, and hang with friends

Q. Where's your favorite place to eat out?
Olive Garden

Q. What's your favorite movie?
Tron Legacy

Q. What are your plans after high school graduation?

Q. Who's your favorite musical artist/group?

Q. What game are you most looking forward to this season with the Warriors?
All of them

Q. What is your favorite memory on the Warriors?
Getting to hang out with good friends many times during the week

Q. What's your favorite scripture verse?
Romans 8:31

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