Monday, January 10, 2011

Mount Airy Christian Academy (VB)

After having a 3 week Christmas break, the Warriors were more than ready to take on the MACA Lions. The last time the two teams met the Warriors had an off game and ended up on bottom. The guys were now pumped and ready to play.

They started out strong, having a 9-0 run in the first few minutes of game. But from the time the Lions first scored to the final buzzer, it was an intense game. At halftime the score was tied at 17.
Both teams came out energized and ready to take the lead. Many fouls were called both ways, and when the buzzer went off at the end of the 4th quarter, the score was tied at 39. Overtime!
The boys came out tough. Scoring went back and forth on the teams, both teams scoring right after the other. The Lions were winning by 1 point with a few seconds left, and with less then a second left, Toby McGrath hit a free throw and tied the game at 44. Overtime 2!

Having tied it with so little time, the Warriors were pumped and ready to finish the game. They played hard and well, keeping a slim lead over the Lions. But with 4 seconds left, the Lions came down and nailed a 3-pointer. The boys ran out of time and lost 51-50.
John Koffman led the team in scoring, having 16 points. Following him was Chris Leao (12), Toby (7), Josiah Carstens (7), and Daniel Passarelli (6). Toby led the team with 12 rebounds, with Chris (10) and John (5). Josiah and Chris led the team with 5 assists, Daniel following them with 2. John led the team with 3 steals, Chris right behind him with 2. Chris and Daniel led the team in blocks led the team with a block each.
The Warriors had a tough loss, but they never gave up and played the absolute hardest till the final buzzer went off. Great job boys!

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