Monday, January 18, 2010

Senior - Matthew Kelly

{Matt is second from the left}
Q. How long have you been playing on the Warriors team?
This is my first year since it's the first year of high school basketball available to homeschoolers
Q. How did you get interested in basketball?
i began playing with a friend, Hugh Ortner in GVAA(rec team) in middleschool

Q. How long have you been home schooled?
i have been home schooled all my life besides in pre school

Q. What's your favorite thing about being homeschooled (other than getting to play on the Warriors, of course)?
being given the option of advancing my knowledge past my age group to give me the advantage(which helps in scholarships) and doing community college well before any public high schooler can to pursue a college level education and to get pre req classes out of the way to lighten my work load at Liberty University

Q. What do you like to do in your free time?
work on computers such as fixing them and building them, online shopping, soccer and basketball, web design

Q. Where's your favorite place to eat out?
Golden Corral or Chick Fil A

Q. What's your favorite movie?
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Q. What are your plans after high school graduation?
i am planning on continuing my education at Frederick Community College until i transfer to Liberty University next fall to pursue an education in Computer Software Engineering with an Intelligence Minor(people who gather intelligence like the CIA or FBI and work with Cryptology)
Q. Would you rather drink coffee or tea?
i don't like either but if i had to pick i'd probably pick tea because its not as addictive

Q. Who's your favorite musical artist/group?

Q. What game are you most looking forward to this season with the Warriors?
the game against New Life at the end of January because that is my best friend Cody Hamrick's team

Q. What's your favorite book?
The Red Badge of Courage!!!

Q. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
right here with my friends and family
Q. What college team do you cheer for?
Liberty University Flames because that is my school!!

Q. What's your favorite scripture verse?
Isaiah 40:30-31!!!!

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