Thursday, January 21, 2010

Senior - Rebecca Reifsnider

Q. How long have you been playing on the Warriors team?
five years

Q. How did you get interested in basketball? In
the fall of my 6th grade school year, I found out I had some health problems and needed to lose weight. Basketball season was just about to start, so I decided to try out for my school team in order to get some exercise. Luckily, I made the team and discovered how much I enjoyed playing.

Q. How long have you been home schooled?
five years

Q. What's your favorite thing about being homeschooled (other than getting to play on the Warriors, of course)?
the ability to learn at your own pace and use curriculum that works for you

Q. What do you like to do in your free time?
read (especially biographies and other historical non-fiction), bake, and practice basketball

Q. Where's your favorite place to eat out?
Cozy Restaurant in Thurmont

Q.. What's your favorite movie?
Facing the Giants

Q. What are your plans after high school graduation?
to go to college (either Messiah or Bridgewater) and major in nutrition and dietetics

Q. Would you rather drink coffee or tea?

Q. Who's your favorite musical artist/group?
I can't decide between Twila Paris, Casting Crowns, and Avalon.

Q. What game are you most looking forward to this season with the Warriors?
the game against MACA

Q. What's your favorite book?
Truman by David McCullough

Q. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

Q. What college team do you cheer for?
North Carolina Tarheels

Q. What's your favorite scripture verse?
Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not men."

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